Here is What We Offer:
Tree pruning can be divided into 4 categories, Full prune, Dead Wood prune, Structural prune, and Specialty prune
1. Full prune – a complete pruning which includes removing dead branches, lightening heavy ends, removing crossing limbs, thinning and shaping of the tree.
2. Dead Wood prune – removing dead branches only, usually 1” and larger in diameter.
3. Structural prune – this is a safety prune, which includes dead branches (1” and larger in diameter) and hazardous limbs; with younger trees structural pruning means pruning for proper structure and for optimizing growth.
4. Specialty prune – includes specific pruning orders given by the client such as specific branches to be removed.
**Trimming Recommendations are as follows – a full prune should be done once every 3-5 years, and then a maintenance prune every 1-2 years

We use a slow released Nitrogen fertilizer (organic) that is injected into
the root system to keep your tree healthier longer. We also have specific fertilizer for trees overly stressed from a harsh winter, newly transplanted trees, and trees experiencing drought weather conditions.

We provide complete removal of most trees except those of historical value or of community interest. We also provide stump grinding to remove stumps, including the grindings below grade.

Plant Healthcare
Emerald Ash Borer: The emerald ash borer is a type of beetle that develops under the bark of ash trees. Its scientific name is Agrilus planipennis. It is a type of beetle in the family Buprestidae. Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an extremely destructive insect of ash trees (Fraxinus species), including the kinds of ash (green ash, white ash) that are widely planted in Colorado. It is far more damaging to trees than any other insect that previously has been found in the state and, as populations of the insect increase in the infested areas, it is expected that emerald ash borer will ultimately kill almost every unprotected ash tree presently growing in North America.

Stump grinding
We use a machine called a stump grinder to chew away at the stump of wood that is left after a tree has been removed. The stump grinder uses a powerful blade to reduce the stump into smaller wood chips, eventually clearing the stump to below ground level. This gives you the space to extend your lawn, put in a garden or even plant a new tree! Additionally, you can use the wood chips to fill the hole or as mulch. Or we can remove the chips for a small fee.

Our firewood is seasoned for 6-12 months and is a mix of hard woods and fruit woods, with an average length of 18 inches. We sell all year round. Pick-up and delivery options available. Call for pricing.

FAQ 1 – When should I prune my tree? If you answer yes to any of the following questions you may be due to trim your trees.
1. The canopy of my tree is very dense with very little blue sky looking through.
2. There are dead branches larger than 2 inches in diameter in my tree.
3. Some branches look very heavy.
4. There is a hanging limbs or branches in the tree of 1’ or larger?
5. My tree is very young/old?
6. My tree was pruned 3 years ago or longer?
7.There are branches rubbing up on my house/roof
FAQ 2 – What are some signs of a tree in need of spraying? Though there are many signs to look for a few to consider are, early leaf drop, discoloring or odd shaping or color of leaves, borer holes or insects, sap discharge or falling bark, discoloring on the branches, and canker (die back) to name a few. Please call us at 720-213-5957 if you have any questions or concerns about your trees and we will gladly help you in any way we can.